The Documentelligence™ Telepresence Robot is a self-driving, two-wheeled video conferencing robot that revolutionizes the way you work or learn remotely. It enables telecommuters, doctors, remote workers, and students to feel more connected to their colleagues and patients by giving them a physical presence where they can’t be in person. Driving your own robot means you are free to roam around the office, visit patients, attend meetings, monitor work sites, or go to class from anywhere in the world.

Where previous generations of the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot relied on an iPad for video, the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot replaces that with new fully-integrated hardware.  By combining cutting-edge GPU technology, high-definition cameras, and 3D sensors, the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot can provide a remote worker or student with an experience that rivals being there in person.

More Immersive and Personal. Collaborative. And a Lot of Fun to Use.


An array of 3D sensors enables the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot to understand its environment, where it’s safe to drive, and how to divert around obstacles to reach the destination. Obstacle avoidance means that completely untrained drivers can drive the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot without fear of bumping into walls or people.


Dots are drawn on the floor where the DocumentelligenceTM Telepresence Robot can safely drive. The driver can click anywhere on the floor and the robot will go there, avoiding obstacles along the way.

Mixed Reality is like Augmented Reality, except virtual 3D objects are added into the video stream, and they look like they are placed in the real world. They help you understand what your telepresence robot can see, and they highlight important waypoints and objects of interest, such as the Charging Dock.

Unified Pan-Tilt-Zoom

Two 13 Megapixel cameras provide an ultra-wide field of view and multiple levels of zoom. The cameras can physically tilt up and down, which is helpful for reading papers on a desk or zooming into a specific point.

Six Beamforming Microphones

An advanced array of six microphones helps the driver hear people from farther away and with less background noise. The integrated audio system enables full-duplex audio (two-way simultaneous audio) to be more robust in challenging environments.

Contact us today for a free remote test drive.